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Young Voice is an Intervarsity Student Publication that allow college students to share their experiences across campus. Submit your articles today and have your voice heard!!
Student editors: Allegra Gorey, Martin Ruben, Stella Terrano, Dalilah O'Feefe
Building Dreams with Nuts and Bolts
- Stella Terrano, La Fiesta Tech

"There are many students across campus who are interested in fixing up and building anything mechanical, yet there are no school facilities for it. It is my dream to get an intervarsity robotics club started!", exclaimed Zoe Zimmerman. She has a grand vision of having a garage at La Fiesta Tech where students can meet to fix up junk cars and have robot building competitions. She spent the whole entire afternoon at the Student Union to solicit support from other students. Not many students are receptive to her ideas though. While some are plainly uninterested, some, such as an international student from Afghan, thinks that there are already way to many evil mechanical devices in the world.

Zoe was not easily discouraged though. Even though she did not find kindred spirits at Student Union, she posted pamphlets for interested students to meet at her off-campus residence, the Shifting Paradymes. I was one of the first students to show up at her place and found her already working away at a junk car:

"We can raise money for the garage by fixing up the junk car, I have also submitted a proposal to the Dean of Colleges for university funding as well."
Later on, Marla Biggs from Sim State University also showed up to support the new robotics club. Zoe remained optimistic, "Even though we don't have many students just yet, all great vision has to start somewhere small. Eventually, we will have all the pieces fitted together!"
Steps towards Inner Peace for College Students
- Dalilah O'Feefe, Academie Le Tour

Life for a college student can be very hectic. Papers are due tomorrow and you are still burning mid-night oil. You want to spend time with your significant other yet there are club meetings you have to run to. Your friends are in a state of emotional turmoil, you want to help them yet you don't know how. Then each of us have certain personal issues for which we have to make peace with ourselves. For myself specifically, I am slowly coming out of the closet in college, learning to embrace my lesbian identity.

Practicing meditation has been a great way for me to relax, and to distinguish what in life are essential and what are not. Many folks have the misconception that meditation requires nothing more than sitting still and doing nothing. Actually, meditation involves several steps to discipline one's body, mind, and spirit. Once one strengthens one's body, mind, and spirit, one can remain unphased by the surprises life throw at you from time to time.
Expanding Social Horizon
- Allegra Gorey, Sim State University

Folks back home have already considered me a tough rebel with strong opinions and who does not give a damn about what others think of me. I have always stood up for myself and refuse to let anyone push me around. When I first entered college, I just could not understand why would anyone give a big fuss about parties and joining the Greek organizations. Who would have guessed that I would fall for and get engaged to a frat boy! Castor and I connect in so many different ways. Yet my time spent at Oretha-Hor-Cham has been a mixed bag. The sorority girls gave me hell for stealing Castor's heart and I had to teach them not to mess with me. Yet I did become very curious as to how on earth some students who do not seem to study and complete their assignments get good grades?

For a change, instead of writing term papers and doing assignments, I threw my first party in my entire life, inviting professors along with students I have met at the Oretha-Hor-Cham. Not only did I have a blast chatting and playing kicky bag with my professor, my professor hinted that I would at least get a B in the class, and I have not even gone to the first class yet. Thus I learned my first valuable lesson in social networking. Yet I am a nerd at the core who does get a kick out writing term papers and doing research.
What surprises me the most is that even though Heather and I had our differences in the past, she did not object when the other sisters recruited me to join Tri-Var. It was so long ago that we fought that when we sat down for a game of chess, we have forgotten that we used to be bitter enemies.
He Loves Me NOT
- Jessica Pilferson, La Fiesta Tech

College opens up a new chapter in the lives of young adults. More than anything else, many young women such as myself are really looking forward to having our first kiss and falling in love. I used to have this stomach butterfly whenever I get to meet up with my best friend. Yet he rejected me completely. It is hard learning to stay friends with someone who rejected you romantically, especially when he is dating another sister in the sorority. What is it that she has that I don't? Am I ugly and unattractive? Would I ever meet someone who can love me as who I am? Is there something wrong with me? Doubts about oneself from a romantic rejection can really linger for a while.

Yet at the end, as we keep our heart open, our smiles will attract those who can really see the beauty in us.