Veronaville Literary Journal - Winter 2007
Chester Gieke
Chester Gieke
Act 2.1 Socializing Class at Gossamer's Party Central

Having been awoken by two toddlers asking for diaper change and milk in the middle of the night, Oberon, of course, overslept, and ended up rushing downstairs in his pajamas to perform his duties as the host of the event. 'It does not matter, what counts is his determination to make peace, right?' Oberon made his way to chitchat with Goneril Capp, "How do you do this fine Saturday morning?" To which Goneril responded sourly and curtly, "Cut that social etiquette crap. I thought you invited only Capps. I would not have come if I know any of the motley crew of Monties are going to be here....."
For those who have labored long and hard in conflict resolution know peace is hard to build, and very easy to break. Long streams of insults, many rounds of shouting matches can build a layer of misunderstanding, like the layer of scum precipitated over the years along the rim of the toilet bowl. So it went Goneril Capp quickly found her sour grape in the way Isabella Monty gossiped about her family. WHAM WHAM, there they went ramming at one another with untrained punches and kicks, pulling one another's hair, and filling the pauses between punches with verbal insults. "Loser", Goneril scoffed after she threw her opponent landing butt-first on the ground.

Act 2.2 Capp Mansion: Little Boats
At dawn, the ground of the Capp mansion is glistening with fresh snow from yesterday's snow storm. Juliette stayed awake for most of the night, listening to the wind howling like a lone wolf looking for its partner. It was exactly like that many years go, when grandpa Consort, walked through the door with snow and ice in his eyebrows and eyelashes. He whispered something to grandma who then crashed on the floor, sobbing. Because of the snow and ice, Juliette could never be sure whether there were tears in Consort's eyes. Her parents did not come home that night. Then grandma followed her parents' footsteps soon after.
After that particular winter storm, Juliette felt that everyone seemed to be walking around the mansion with holes in their hearts. Grandpa, especially. Grandpa did not speak or smile much to begin with, and even less after the accident. Juliette remembered being afraid of him when she was a child. When did Grandpa seize to be the towering giant that she remembered? He seems frail and lonely now, wanting to talk to Juliette, Hermia, and Tybalt about this or that all the time. Will Grandpa be okey without her around?

Consort Capp follows Juliette out of the main door. While resting his hands on the icy metal door handle, he watches her descend the slope towards the taxi waiting at the gate of the Capp mansion. How many years has it been since the girl lost her mother? Was it because of such a loss that she became so desperate for love, so desperate that she would get involved with that good for nothing Monty boy, what is his name again? Rameo? Nothing good ever comes out of the Monty style of upbringing. What could she be thinking, crying over a Monty for rejecting to be in a committed relationship with her. Yet the girl pulled through like a Capp and got a scholarship for La Fiesta Tech. Youngsters nowadays are a different breed, though, speaking different languages and thinking different things...

Act 2.3 Albany and Goneril Capp's residence: Deceptions
Miranda returns home to find Juliet already at her house, on winter break, she supposes. Miranda sometimes feels like a wallflower standing next to Juliet who is graceful, smart, and composed. Juliet herself does beam in the attention of Goneril, whom she seems to cling to as a mother figure. Yet despite of Goneril's attentiveness to Juliet in public, Miranda is confident that Goneril will take the side of her own flesh and blood if she ever gets into a fight with Juliet. Miranda knows what Goneril really thinks of Juliet - a naive and silly girl who is easily deceived by the likes of Romeo. Miranda herself has also made friends with one of the Monty boys, Mercutio. Yet she would not speak of it in front of Goneril. While Miranda is very aware of her mother's thoughts and feelings, she sometimes is envious of her younger siblings, still innocent of the small deceptions in the adult world.

Act 2.4 Local Grocer: Cutting
To get away from the unpleasant feelings of having been visited by the repoman, Hal and Desdemona take their younger sister Ariel to the local grocer. Even though the ground is covered by nearly two feet of snow, it is fairly warm, and many folks are taking the opportunities to get some fresh air outside. While her sister and bother chitchatted with the rest of the town, Ariel concentrated on building the snow man. She was so focused that she did not even notice that a young man was watching her from behind. Hal seems to have the protective instinct of the older brother for his younger sister, and quickly comes over to check on Ariel.

Hermia's shoulders slouches and remains silent.
"We are still friends, right?", Mercutio asks as carefully as he can.
Hermia nods in silent agreement, feeling more alone than she has ever experienced in her life.
"Then I will see you in the store a couple of days from now", Mercutio pats her shoulder and walks off.

Act 2.5 Theatrical Trailer: Expecting
Mrs. Amber Monty is taking a walk around Veronaville. She stops in front of the Theatrical Trailer and rubs her growing belly. The weather is getting warmer and most of the snow has already melted. She reads in the newspapers that taking regular walks will help the delivery. She admits to herself that she was not thinking straight when she tried for a baby with Mercutio, unwed. She liked traveling around Mandala region for her job writing reviews of stores. Yet as the baby in her belly grows, she seem to be growing naturally into the role of a mother as well, each day growing ever more eager to meet her new baby face to face.